He has already voted by absentee ballot 他已进行了缺席投票。
I urge any American living outside the country to get an early start checking his/ her registration and receiving an absentee ballot, because it can take a while. 我奉劝身在国外的所有美国人早点着手核对登记表,并接收缺席选举人票,因为这得花点时间。
That was mainly because I was in Hong Kong already and I couldn't be bothered to figure out how to do an absentee ballot and I thought for sure Al Gore was going to win. 主要是因为当时我人在香港,不想自找麻烦在异国投票,而且我确信阿尔·戈尔会赢。
Stockholders often find it difficult to attend the annual stockholders'meeting, so most vote on company matters by means of proxy, a form of absentee ballot. 股东发现出席年度股东大会是困难的,所以很多对公司事项的投票需要通过代表的方式进行。
I got my absentee ballot already. 我已经拿到我的外地选举人票了。
Bush, who cast an absentee ballot for Sen. 布什上周投了选票给参议员约翰麦凯恩。
I've told you before about Florence Stein ( ph) of South Dakota who was88 years old and insisted that her daughter bring an absentee ballot to her hospice bedside. 我以前曾跟你们讲过来自南达科他州88岁高龄的佛罗伦斯·斯坦太太,她坚持让她的女儿把一张缺席选举人票到她的病床边。